orbEET – Horizon2020

orbEET – Horizon2020

orbEET – Horizon2020

Project ORganizational Behaviour improvement for Energy Efficient adminisTrative public offices –OrbEEt, under European program Horizon2020.

frbeet-logo-novoBalkanika Energy” AD performs project ORganizational Behaviour improvement for Energy Efficient adminisTrative public offices – OrbEEt, under European program Horizon2020. The project started on 09.02.2015. Its implementation will continue 3 years. Partners in the project are Solintel (Spain), Hypertech (Greece), Grindrop (England), Boc Asset Management (Austria), Coventry University (England), Burghauptmannschaft Österreich (Austria), FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER-UNIVERSITAT ERLANGEN NURNBERG (Germany), AYUNTAMIENTO DE ASPARRENA (Spain) and Pernik Municipality (Bulgaria).

The project is one of the four approved by the European commission. Its purpose is to raise the public awareness towards the problems of the Energy Efficiency. By an innovation approach the consortium created for the project aims at decreasing the consumption and expenses for electrical energy, and keeping the comfort of the everyday activities performed by the project participants and end-users at the same time.

For more information orbeet.eu


Balkanika Energy Plc. is a company established with aim of complete realization of investment projects in the production and utilization of energy from renewable, conventional and alternative energy sources, and protection of the environment through sustainable systems for waste recovery.


88 “Bulgaria” Blvd., Floor 1,
offices 9-10, 1680 Sofia, Bulgaria
+359 (2) 4653291
+359 (2) 4197046
+359 893 388 40 - CEO
+359 893 388 408 - Technical Manager
+359 89 999 92 45 - Project manager